Thursday, November 6, 2008

Things we have learned this week...

New Zealand is a great place to be gluten free. There are plenty of gluten free options at the grocery store, however no corn tortillas or all natural peanut butter. We're looking forward to going to the veggie market in the city on Sunday.

Oregonians are everywhere. We met some folks from Eugene while attending an election party at a bar on Cuba St. It also seems that everybody here is excited about Barack Obama.

November is not summer in Wellington. Apparently the weather doesn't get nice here until around Christmas (hopefully). Spring is very windy.

Non-profits don't pay very well. Two of my new coworkers have resigned this week to take better jobs. There were only ten of us to begin with so that's pretty high turnover.

More photos from Island Bay (and Scott). As far as I can tell, this is a Maori wood carving (or in the style of a Maori carving) similar to a totem pole.

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