Monday, February 9, 2009

Close to home

Well, lately we haven't taken any big trips, and we've been a little bit delinquent in keeping up our blog. So we thought we'd let you in on what we've been doing while sticking close to the Wellington area.

Bob Marley's birthday happens to coincide with the Waitangi Treaty celebrations on Feb 6th. In the morning we took in a bit of the Waitangi Celebrations and in the afternoon we went to check out the One Love music festival. The guys on stage are called the Blackseeds, a popular reggae band in NZ and internationally as well.

Jason and Beth , enjoying the fantastic tunes.

Here is a picture from a hike we took at a place called Makara. It's about 25 minutes drive from Wellington. The walk made for a good day of exploring, and had some interesting historical items such as gun mounts from the world war two era.

This is one of a few world war 2 gun mounts on top of the tallest hill in the area. Just in case the Japanese decided to invade. Lots of sheep too (surprise, surprise!)

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